How it works...
Following on from a very successful season on the green, with your support our attention needs to return to improving the social club and its facilities.
Just 12 months back it was decided to build on the past success of the club and reinvigorate the social side of the club following closure due to months of the pandemic.
A plan was hatched to improve facilities for members while making the place more appealing to the wider community by giving the place a general refresh with updating the social area by improving its general ambiance. Including updating the bar area, installing a wheelchair friendly loo along with a disabled parking area, resurface the car park, extending and refit the kitchen with commercial units and build an extension on the far end of the building replacing the current changing cabin. The extension will be able to accommodate various functions while also providing new changing facilities for both home and away teams.
The kitchen is complete and has received very favourable comments. The plans have been drawn for the extension and are soon to be submitted for planning consent. A wish list for the general upgrade has been compiled and is to be part of a grant application this month.
As you can see the committee is ambitious, have bold plans and committed to improving the club for members, but we do need your financial support. Especially during the close season. While we will be applying for grant funding, we will need to be able to show a contribution from our own coffers. This is where you can be so supportive and help.
We need members to join the new 50/50 Club we are starting.
It’s very simple for those not familiar with 50/50 clubs. Members make out a standing order with their bank for a monthly contribution in denominations of £10 an entry. Then a draw takes place each month with the money received being split 50% in winnings and 50% towards club funds. For example, if £500 is deposited the club receive £250 with £250 being distributed in winnings. While £10 a month is equivalent to just over 30p a day for a member throughout the year, the benefit to the club would be significant in helping us achieve our aims. Rules are attached.
In addition to the improvements being made structurally there is still the ongoing costs of maintaining the green to the high expectations we have come to expect. I therefore hope members will take part, making the 50/50 Club a success.
While rising much needed funds for the club you could find yourself being a lucky winner!!!!
Half of the money raised goes towards the upkeep of the club and half as prize money.
The Shouldham Bowls & Social Club 50-50 Club Rules
The Shouldham Bowls & Social Club 50-50 Club is a private lottery and is open to all members, friends and supporters of the Shouldham Bowls & Social Club
Number holders must be aged 16 or over.
Number holders will be allocated a number for every £10 per month they pay into the fund and may hold as many numbers as they wish.
Payment will be made by Standing Order to the Shouldham Bowls & Social Club bank account and can be monthly (£10), quarterly (£30) or annually (£120) for each number allocated.
A draw will be made by the Club Treasurer at the social club on the second Wednesday of each calendar month.
There will be a first, second and third prize.
The total prize money each month will be 50% of the total money paid in that month, of which 50%, 30% and 20% will be allocated as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively.
When more than 50 numbers are eligible for a monthly draw, the prizes will be £125, £75 and £50 with the surplus being carried forward for a special December prize.
Cheques will be posted to the name and address on the membership applications associated with the winning numbers within 10 days of the draw.
The winning numbers for each month will be displayed in the Shouldham Bowls & Social Club and on the Club’s website and Facebook page.
If a winner cannot be contacted, or a winning cheque is not cashed, after six months those winnings will be donated to Shouldham Bowls & Social Club to be used to support the Club.
Numbers will only be entered in the draw if they are paid up to date. A member will be deemed to have given up any number for which payment has lapsed for more than one month.
The Shouldham Bowls & Social Club 50-50 Club will be run by the Shouldham Bowls & Social Club Committee. In case of any dispute, the Committee’s decision is final.